
Friday, January 7, 2011

Anti-Social Status

A few weeks ago, I was approached by a writer doing an article for the Gambit about how the internet has affected wedding planning, the etiquette of weddings and the overall feel of such special events. Since I have not read her finished article (it comes out in the Gambit Wedding Issue on the 11th of this month – shout out!) I do not want to run the risk of writing something similar, but I do have to touch on a one topic in particular that we discussed!

This writer asked me about tweeting and updating face book while at the ceremony. I was a bit confused as I have not had any couples interested in their phones once the ceremony starts. As a matter of fact, I cannot think of a time that I’ve even seen a bride or a groom touch their phone during a ceremony or reception. I guess I should consider myself lucky as this writer had a different experience.

She told me of a couple who stopped in the middle of their ceremony, on the altar, to update their status on facebook to “married.” Maybe I am a bit old fashioned, but really guys? This is what our world has come to? To make this issue even worse, she also told me about a woman who blogs and started her own website all about wedding tweeting. I refuse to use this woman’s name as I feel that it would only promote her and that is the last thing I want to do.

At any rate, this woman recommends that the bride designate one person to be her “wedding tweeter” so that she does not have to worry about tweeting on your wedding day. Seriously, how about this for a recommendation – if you are on the altar thinking about tweeting or your facebook status, don’t get married!

I think this woman just single-handedly explained the reason for the estimated 41% divorce rate (and that rate is for first time marriages only). I guess my question is, where is the line between technological advancement and being just plain pathetic? No offense to those of you who think that tweeting during your wedding is “cute” and “trendy” but in my opinion, it’s tacky and a sign that you’ll be changing that status to “Separated” before you know it.

I am a believer that anything is possible for your wedding and that everything should be original and relate directly to the couple, but how is a silly social network relevant to you and your marriage, unless of course you work for facebook or twitter, and I doubt you do. This is just one example of how technology has taken the personal touch out of our otherwise very personal and intimate tasks/occasions, but there will be more blogs in the future to cover more of those issues. In the meantime, unless your last name or your groom’s last name is Zuckerberg or Dorsey, leave face book and twitter out of the ceremony. Better yet, keep your phone off of the guest list all together.

1 comment:

  1. love it and love your clever title! people have gone waayyy too overboard with facebook and tweeting. so very silly!
